The 15 most used tools for Amazon sellers in 2024

Amazon Seller Tools

Are you an Amazon seller looking to streamline your operations, boost sales, and stay ahead of the competition? In today’s fast-paced e-commerce landscape, leveraging the right tools can make all the difference in achieving success on the Amazon platform. From product research to inventory management and marketing automation

here are the 15 most commonly used tools by Amazon sellers in 2024:

Jungle Scout:

Jungle Scout is a powerful product research tool that helps sellers identify profitable products, analyze market trends, and track competitors’ sales data. With features like product database, keyword research, and niche finder, Jungle Scout empowers sellers to make informed decisions and find lucrative opportunities on Amazon.

Helium 10:

Helium 10 is an all-in-one suite of tools designed to optimize every aspect of selling on Amazon. From keyword research and listing optimization to inventory management and competitor analysis, Helium 10 offers a comprehensive solution for Amazon sellers to maximize their sales and profitability.


AMZScout provides sellers with valuable insights into product demand, competition, and profitability. With features like product tracker, sales estimator, and keyword explorer, AMZScout helps sellers identify high-potential products and optimize their listings for maximum visibility and sales.


Sellics is a robust analytics platform that offers a wide range of tools for Amazon sellers, including keyword research, PPC management, and profit tracking. With Sellics, sellers can monitor their performance, optimize their campaigns, and maximize their ROI on Amazon.


FeedbackWhiz is a feedback and review management tool that helps sellers monitor and improve their reputation on Amazon. With features like automated email campaigns, review monitoring, and feedback analytics, FeedbackWhiz enables sellers to enhance their customer satisfaction and increase their sales.


MerchantWords is a keyword research tool that helps sellers discover high-volume search terms and optimize their listings for better visibility on Amazon. With data from Amazon’s search engine, MerchantWords provides sellers with valuable insights into customer behavior and market trends to improve their keyword strategy and drive more traffic to their listings.


AMZFinder is a feedback and review management tool that helps sellers monitor and manage their seller feedback and product reviews on Amazon. With features like automated email campaigns, review monitoring, and feedback analytics, AMZFinder enables sellers to improve their reputation and increase their sales on Amazon.


Teikametrics is an AI-powered platform that helps sellers optimize their advertising campaigns, maximize their ROI, and scale their business on Amazon. With advanced analytics, automation, and optimization tools, Teikametrics empowers sellers to achieve their advertising goals and drive more sales on Amazon.


ZonGuru is a suite of tools for Amazon sellers that offers solutions for product research, keyword optimization, and sales analytics. With features like product finder, keyword tracker, and sales dashboard, ZonGuru provides sellers with the insights and tools they need to succeed on Amazon.


AMZAlert is a monitoring and notification tool that helps sellers protect their Amazon listings and intellectual property rights. With features like listing hijack alerts, price change notifications, and review monitoring, AMZAlert enables sellers to detect and respond to unauthorized activity and maintain control over their Amazon business.

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